Data Sources
Trade Data
BACI provides data on bilateral trade flows for 200 countries at the product level (5000 products). Products correspond to the "Harmonized System" nomenclature (6 digit code).
Gravity provides all the information required to estimate gravity equations: trade flows, geographical distances, trade facilitation measures, macroeconomic indicators, etc, for any pair of countries, from 1948 to 2020.
The Trade and Production Database (TradeProd), provides data on international and domestic trade flows and trade protection. The database covers 165 countries and 9 industrial sectors over the period 1966-2020.
U.S. International Trade Commission
International Trade and Production Database for Estimation (ITPD-E) - Contains international and domestic trade for 265 countries in 1986-2019. It includes data for 170 industries in agriculture, mining, energy, manufacturing, and services.
International Trade and Production Database for Simulation (ITPD-S) - Has the same dimensions as the ITPD-E and fills in missing domestic trade data using a variety of methods.
Dynamic Gravity Dataset (DGD) - Describes country characteristics and relationships between trading partners. It covers the period between 1948 and 2019.
Multinational Revenue, Employment, and Investment Database (MREID) - Provides bilateral, industry-level data on activities of multinational enterprises. Coverage includes 25 industries in 185 countries during the period between 2010 and 2021.
Domestic and International Common Language Database (DICL) - Bilateral measures of both international and domestic language similarity for 242 countries.
Gravity Modeling Environment (GME) - Python package to perform Poisson Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood (PPML) estimation.
County Business Patterns (1977-2016)
US HS-level Imports and Exports (1989-2023)
US HS Over Time Concordances
US HS-SIC/NAICS Concordances
US MFA Apparel and Textile Quotas
Chinese HS Code Concordance with Canada, EU, and US MFA Categories
US Tariff Schedule (1989-2001)
US SIC87-level Imports and Exports (1972-2005)
Import Penetration, Low-Wage Country Competition, and Trade Costs
Information on relative levels of income, output, input and productivity, covering 183 countries between 1950 and 2019.
U.S. Antidumping Database and Links - Provides data on antidumping (AD) actions globally, codified under GATT and WTO rules.
U.S. Exports, 1972-2001 - Examines the impact of multinational firms on macroeconomic volatility in emerging markets.
U.S. Exports by TSUSA, HS, SITC, 1972-2001 - Details U.S. export data classified by multiple systems (TSUSA, HS, SITC, SIC) along with concordances.
U.S. Imports, 1972-2001 - Updates NBER trade data for U.S. imports and exports, classified by HS, SITC, and SIC categories.
U.S. Imports by TSUSA, HS, SITC, 1972-2001 - Similar to the export dataset, includes U.S. import data by TSUSA, HS, SITC, and SIC classifications.
U.S. Trade by 1972-SIC Category, 1958-1994 - Provides U.S. trade data based on 4-digit SIC codes from 1958-1994, with multilateral and bilateral coverage.
SITC Rev 2 and NAICS (1997) - Concordance data linking U.S. imports and exports from 1989, classified by SITC Rev. 2 and NAICS industries.
Price Quantity Indexes and Values for U.S. Exports and Imports, 1879-1923 - Historical data on price and quantity indexes for U.S. international trade from 1879 to 1923.
The World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) software provides access to international merchandise trade, tariff and non-tariff measures (NTM) data. Browse the Country profile section to obtain countries exports, imports and tariff statistics along with relevant development data.
The Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE)
Provides information on preferential trade agreements (PTAs) around the world, including agreements that have not been notified to the World Trade Organization (WTO).
The WTO's Integrated Data Base (IDB) and Consolidated Tariff Schedules (CTS) database on-line, select markets and products, compile reports and download data. The two databases contain applied customs duties at the tariff line level, import statistics by country of origin and WTO Members' commitments on goods (bound tariffs and specific commitments in agriculture).
This database collects information on the use of temporary trade barriers in the form of antidumping, countervailing, and safeguard measures across over 30 countries since the 1980s through 2019.
Firm-specific data and documentation on U.S. antidumping and countervailing duty cases since 1980 (to ~2000), collected by Bruce Blonigen
Information on resources for concordances , trade data, etc.
Describes data that are available to the public from the Center
Information on 1.9 million bilateral trade flows, 42,000 observations on total imports and exports, and 14,000 observations for GDP and exchange rates, for a 188-year period spanning 1827–2014.
Other Data
Bank Ownership Around the World
Bank-level data on bank ownership covering 6,651 banks in 181 countries over 1995-2021
Country-level data on bank ownership covering 181 countries over 1995-2020
Census and survey data from around the world